

There aren't any upcoming matches
There aren't any upcoming matches


Team has not played any games this month yet
Team has not played any games this month yet

Team roster


No Player Position Height Weight Birthdate Nationality
There are no players this season


There are still no stats

There are still no stats

There are still no stats

There are still no stats

There are still no stats

There are still no stats

There are still no stats

There are still no stats

Category Total Average Season best Season worst
Points 0.0
Rebounds 0.0
Assists 0.0
Two pointers 0.0 / 0.0 0.0%
Three pointers 0.0 / 0.0 0.0%
Freethrows 0.0 / 0.0 0.0%
Efficiency 0.0
Steals 0.0
Blocks 0.0
Turnovers 0.0
Starting five scoring 0.0
Bench scoring 0.0
Fastbreak points 0.0
Points in the paint 0.0
Second chance points 0.0
Taškai po varžovų klaidų 0.0
Category Total Average Season best Season worst
Points 0.0
Rebounds 0.0
Assists 0.0
Two pointers 0.0 / 0.0 0.0%
Three pointers 0.0 / 0.0 0.0%
Freethrows 0.0 / 0.0 0.0%
Efficiency 0.0
Steals 0.0
Blocks 0.0
Turnovers 0.0
Starting five scoring 0.0
Bench scoring 0.0
Fastbreak points 0.0
Points in the paint 0.0
Second chance points 0.0
Taškai po varžovų klaidų 0.0
Category Total Average Season best Season worst
Points 0.0
Rebounds 0.0
Assists 0.0
Two pointers 0.0 / 0.0 0.0%
Three pointers 0.0 / 0.0 0.0%
Freethrows 0.0 / 0.0 0.0%
Efficiency 0.0
Steals 0.0
Blocks 0.0
Turnovers 0.0
Starting five scoring 0.0
Bench scoring 0.0
Fastbreak points 0.0
Points in the paint 0.0
Second chance points 0.0
Taškai po varžovų klaidų 0.0
Category Total Average Season best Season worst
Points 0.0
Rebounds 0.0
Assists 0.0
Two pointers 0.0 / 0.0 0.0%
Three pointers 0.0 / 0.0 0.0%
Freethrows 0.0 / 0.0 0.0%
Efficiency 0.0
Steals 0.0
Blocks 0.0
Turnovers 0.0
Starting five scoring 0.0
Bench scoring 0.0
Fastbreak points 0.0
Points in the paint 0.0
Second chance points 0.0
Taškai po varžovų klaidų 0.0



Krepšinio sporto klubas „Prienai“
Company registration code
Birutės g. 7, LT-59140 Prienai
+370 683 69278
Marius Milaševičius
Team title
Prienų „Labas Gas“
Established at
Prienų sporto arena
Head coach
Marius Kiltinavičius

Sezonai LKL čempionate

Sezonas Vieta reg. sezone
Atkrintamosios Treneris
2009-2010 7 (11-13) ketvirtfinalis V. Šeškus
2010-2011 3 (17-7) III vieta V. Šeškus
2011-2012 4 (16-6) III vieta V. Šeškus
2012-2013 3 (16-4) IV vieta V. Šeškus
2013-2014 2 (25-9) IV vieta V. Šeškus
2014-2015 9 (7-33) nepateko T. Stankevičius
2015-2016 4 (19-17) ketvirtfinalis V. Šeškus
2016-2017 6 (18-18) ketvirtfinalis V. Šeškus
2017-2018 10 (8-28) nepateko V. Šeškus
2018-2019 7 (13-23) ketvirtfinalis V. Šeškus
2019-2020 6 (11-13) Nutrauktas sezonas M. Šernius
2020-2021 5 (14-22) ketvirtfinalis M. Šernius
2021-2022 11 (3-27) nepateko M. Leonavičius, T. Gaidamavičius


Pavadinimų kaita:
2009-2012: Prienų „Rūdupis“
2012-2013: Prienų „Prienai“
2013-2014: Prienų „TonyBet“
2014-2015: Prienų „Prienai“
2015-2018: Prienų–Birštono „Vytautas“
2018-2019: Prienų „Skycop“
2019-2021: Prienų „CBet“
2021-: Prienų „Labas GAS“



Title sponsor

General sponsor

Main sponsor

Main sponsor

Main sponsor

Main sponsor


Technical partner
Technical partner
Broadcasting partner
Technical partner
Medical partner
Broadcasting partner
Broadcasting partner
Technical partner
Technical partner